A Story Of Wooden Toys And Dreams

Piccoli Toys is inspired by children’s innate curiosity and creativity.

The Piccolo journey began after becoming a parent. One Christmassy day, my little daughter found a hand-carved wooden figurine nestled in the decorations. Every parent has seen the joy a special trinket or toy can bring a child. For my daughter, this small wooden toy was just that.

Wherever she went, the figurine was there. A source of comfort, the focus of her creative play, and a little companion throughout her day. The Piccoli journey began after becoming a parent. One Christmassy day, my little daughter found a hand-carved wooden figurine nestled in the decorations.

Every parent has seen the joy a special trinket or toy can bring a child. For my daughter, this small wooden toy was just that. She took it everywhere. It became the focus of her imaginative play, sparking off a thousand adventures over the years to come. Before long, it was attached to a keychain on her schoolbag.

Wherever she went, the figurine was there. A source of comfort, the focus of her creative play, and a little companion throughout her day.

Why we started making wooden toys for kids

It wasn’t long before we discovered that we weren’t alone in seeing a child delight in simple wooden toys. It sparked our imaginations, and we began to see the ways these objects have been an integral part of children’s play for centuries.

We wanted to bring it back to that simplicity. For us, natural materials and handmade wooden toys have special status. Their aesthetic, texture and beauty can’t be matched or mimicked. They are tools to encourage an appreciation of nature, playfulness, and inventiveness.

From open-ended Montessori and Walldorf inspired wooden toys to our wooden dinner plates, they are timeless, charming, and robust. Best of all, they are powerful in their simplicity and can be appreciated for generations.